11 listopad to w naszym, polskim kalendarzu niezwykle ważne święto. Być może masz znajomych z zagranicy, którzy ten dzień spędzają w Polsce i będą chcieli o nim wiedzieć trochę więcej.

Zobacz jak mówić o patriotyzmie, niepodległości i 11-tym listopada po angielsku.

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Słówka związane z patriotyzmem i krajem

Patriotism – Patriotyzm
Patriotism is very important in Poland.

Patriotic – Patriotyczny
This is a patriotic song.

Patriot – Patriota
He is a true patriot.

A flag – flaga
The Polish flag is white and red.

An emblem – godło
The emblem of Poland is a white eagle on a red background.

A national anthem – hymn
Our national anthem is called „Mazurek Dąbrowskiego”.

Wyrażenia i słówka związane z Dniem Niepodległości

11th of November – Święto Niepodległości
Today is the 11th of November.
We celebrate Independence Day on the 11th of November.

Independence – niepodległość
Poland gained its independence on the 11th of November.

To gain – zyskać

To regain – odzyskać
Poland regained its independence on the 11th of November.

Independence Day – Dzień Niepodległości
Today is the Independence Day.

Anniversary – rocznica
Today is the anniversary of gaining independence by Poland.

Restoration – odzyskanie, odbudowanie
Today is the anniversary of the restoration of Polish independence.

Bank holiday – dzień wolny od pracy
The 11th of November is a bank holiday in Poland.

Wreath – wieniec
They lay a Wreath at the grave.

Miliatry parade – parada wojskowa
There is a military parade at the Piłsudki Square.

Act of National Remembrance of and to the Fallen Angel – Apel Pamięci
The act of National Remembrance of and to the Fallen Angel is read during the ceremony.

Jak mówić o Święcie Niepodległości po angielsku?

Oto przykład krótkiego opisu Dnia Niepodległości.

In Poland we celebrate the Independence Day on the 11th of November. It is officially known as the Restoration of Polish Independence.
Poland was divided between German, Austria and Austro-Hungary for over a 100 years. In 1918, after the I World War, it regained its independence.
It’s a bank holiday in Poland. On that day there are a number of celebrations taking place. The biggest one is the military parade at the Piłsudki Square in Warsaw.
There are some controversies regarding the holiday, which involve a number of nationalistic groups marching through the streets and clashing with people who express different opinions than theirs.

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